Rutgers University, Spring 2022

Course Description
This course will provide a practical and theoretical approach to the Digital Humanities, the computational humanities, and their intersections with the Public Humanities. Balancing practical guidance on tools and methodologies with modes for entering into the research of participants, the course will foster experimentation with and critical exploration of digital scholarship coupled with humanistic inquiry. We will have labs on Linux, multilingual humanities data, static websites, Python, and data visualization. With an emphasis on the historical literary humanities, we’ll broaden our discussion to include current scholarship in the digital archives and digital pedagogy (especially within language and literature) to provide us with breadth for understanding the diversity of the field.
Together, we will discuss and gain an understanding of the Digital Humanities field, its stakes, and its methods. Each student will be creating a blog and responding to one reading per week. We will be learning digital tools in our lab sections, which will be front-loaded in the semester to enable self-study for the second half of the semester. Students will not be evaluated on their technical progress beyond their engagement and participation; the labs will be for exposure to and exploration of tools that enable humanistic inquiry. Participants should aim to apply digital tools or a digital framework to their current research by the end of the semester, and will be presenting their progress and thinking in the last two sessions of the semester. This presentation and a submission of a document, digital product, prototype, or artifact (in consultation with the instructor) will represent their final project.
Instructor: Lisa Tagliaferri, PhD
Canvas link for readings (enrolled participants only).