The final code is below.
print("Do you want to play Rock Paper Scissors?\nType 'y' for yes")
answer = input()
while answer.lower() == "y":
print("Enter 0 for Rock, Enter 1 for Paper, Enter 2 for Scissors")
print("Player 1, enter your number: ")
player_one = int(input())
print("Player 2, enter your number: ")
player_two = int(input())
if player_one > 2 or player_two > 2:
print("Out of bounds")
elif player_one == player_two:
elif player_one == 0 and player_two == 1:
print("Player two wins.")
elif player_one == 0 and player_two == 2:
print("Player one wins.")
print("Still working on it")
print("Do you want to quit?\nType 'q' to quit\nTo play again, press any other key")
user_quit = input()
if user_quit.lower() == "q":